Thursday 12 March 2015

MacGyver Manicure

Now I know some readers may not know who Macgyver is (My spell check want it to be Maguire tsk tsk tsk). He is in the league of Chuck Norris and David Hasselhoff's Michael Knight. He would be hand cuffed to a rail, locked up in a steel cupboard falling from a plane plummeting into the ocean. He escapes and stops the bad guy with a bobby pin, toilet roll, an empty egg carton and a battery. All kinds of bad assery.

Here is my way of making my nails last:

Clean off previous polish push back your cuticles and file your nails. I choose to use nail polish remover for acrylic or gel nails as it doesn't dry out your nails. Wipe down the nail instead of trying to make fire wiping up and down and left and right. I also recently started using a glass nail file. It's much gentler than normal nail boards. I choose also NOT to buff my nails. They are already so thin I don't want to thin them out even more. Most base coats act as ridge fillers.

Start with a nail primer. This removes the oils from the nail for better polish adherence. Now we don't have Sephora with their Formula X here in South Africa. (Why? Is it because we are African?) So I tested a few DIYs like lemon juice and apple cider vinegar but the best so far is vodka. I bought a few nail polish bottles from Westpack, filled one with vodka and it just works. Paint it on and let it dry.

Next paint your base coat. Not clear polish. A base coat. I know some brands sell clear polish as base and that's just not good enough for me. I know Essence has the type I wanted. It's milky and when you paint it on the texture is a bit rough. But due to the stores I go to, don't really like to restock. WTF. So I resorted to make my own plan. I used Pink Armour “Nail Gel”(Yes I will put that in inverted commas as it's just normal clear nail polish tinted pink) and added some Maizena (Corn Starch) until it became milky. (Storing is tricky as the corn starch settles at the bottom over time. Before using I mix it up a little with a toothpick)

Paint your colour then base again. Then colour again. It's best to set aside at least an hour for nail painting. Make sure to leave proper time to dry. The more layers you add the longer it takes to dry. The best I can explain is that as you paint the next layer it 'fuses' with the previous layer it wets the layer making it fragile for squishing and smudging. 

Cool tip: Use Prestik to hold the polish bottle. 

Do your nail art. I enjoy Regular Show. As ain't nobody has time for intricate character designs I did the title screen background with sponging.

Even if you did not do a design, paint on a top coat. It gives it that extra shine and make the polish last that bit longer and seals in the design. With sponging it's like the blends better.

Clean up the edges with nail polish remover and either a q tip or a brush. Last step is the difference between a salon manicure and a DIY. Oil. You could go all fancy and buy a cuticle oil. I'm too cheap for that. I bought lip gloss roller bottles from wespack and filled it with extra virgin olive oil. You can also use coconut oil, sweet almond oil or a mixture. You can buy small bottles of each at clicks and dischem that are for medicinal use (Usually by the calamine lotion and caster oil.)

Smear it on each nail and rub it in to your skin. We've spent all this time removing oil and that dries the nail bed and cuticle out. The real trick is to cuticle oil every time you wash your hands. Just because I write it here doesn't mean I do it. I ain't gonna lie. I try to every night before bed.

You also have to top coat every night but by the time my nails chip or flake off (depending on the quality of the polish) I'm bored of my nail design anyway.

That is my Magyver way of doing my nails. What is you unusual trick to make polish last longer?


Tuesday 10 March 2015


I wanted to write about people who get annoyed by viral content and how they should avoid the internet #loosellamas #thedress #grumpycat 

But something much more important grabbed my attention that is something that should be viral and I'm willing to put my voice to. Everyone should. Men and women.

Sexual assault is not really something to make fun of tho' there are memes and comedians who thing rape is funny. For some reason it's easier for women to get discriminated against and be abused and apparently in some cultures it's okay. Recently I had to get on my feminist soap box to a Zulu friend. (Another Zulu male friend showed that he understood my stance.) Just because you have boobs doesn't mean you can't do shit.

I will be wearing red lipstick in various degrees this April. The campaign is “It's not about vanity, it's about visibility”. Girls who rape has happened to don't tend to want to talk about it. They feel embarrassed & humiliated. Ironic since that is the want their attacker should feel. The times we live in there is always “But you could have done this” You know what, the $#@@>€$ who raped shouldn't have done that. Think about that when you feel embarrassed to wear simple red lipstick. These women were physically and mentally hurt and you don't want to wear just a bright gloss to say “girls we feel you. Here is some awareness”

This is something we need to talk about. It's difficult to be strong in your sexuality if there are people out there who think it's a sign for them to mistreat you.

She didn't stand at a party/ walked home/ laid in her bed & asked I want to be raped. Okay then people are all why was she drunk? So being drunk is an invitation to be molested. Or why did she wear that dress? There are women who wear burqa who get raped. Sometimes it's even someone the victims know who raped them. Not even an uncle but a father or brother. Disgusting but true. These abominations are criminals.
Read up. . .

Now here is your chance to show support and solidarity with victims and raise awareness. Here are some things I'm doing for #redmylips April:

  1. First I moisturising my lips. I like Zam-Buk. For more truer pigmentation, sponge some concealer over your lips. If you have not tried LA Girl cosmetics' Pro.conceal, You are truly missing out. I feels like such a high end product. On top most concealers are in stick form. This is one of the few liquid concealers that will fit in you budget.
  2. Line and fill your lips with a red lip liner. This is what is going to make your lipstick last. Again I'm going to GUSH over LA Girl. Endless Auto Lip liner in True Red is awesome. (Get it here at Dis-Chem)
  3. This lip liner is super vibrant on it's own
  4. Put on the lipstick . . .
  5. . . . and blot it. I usually do 3 layers.
  6. Do that finger trick for lipstick free teeth.
  7. BOOM. Finished product. This method last 'til after lunch. I just reapply lipstick then and blot it.
  8. If you don't feel this super bright red, go for a softer red.
  9. Ombre it. This is a cool South Korean lip trend you can follow.

Cleaning of this lipstick is also super easy. Just apply some Vaseline and wipe it off. It cleans a moisturises your lips.

Before next month, make sure to get a lipstick and liner to suit you skin tone. I'm relatively neutral but have more of a blue undertone. Everyone can pull off a red lip. I once hear someone said “Not all people can do it.” Yes, all people of ALL SKIN TONES can pull off a red lip. It is all bout getting the right colour.

For April I will post my lips in support everyday on Instagram. Join and follow me @ewithacuteaccent

Follow RedMyLips.Org on Insta, FB and the Twitter. Join the convo with #redmylips

What is your fave red lipstick?


Wednesday 4 March 2015

7 Eastern beauty tips you can start doing right now.

The Asian skincare industry is one of the largest in the world. Everyone is buzzing about South Korean beauty product and the western market wants these products as well. Though most women of the east have at least 10 products on there face from the morning and before bed.

Another big thing is the whitening chemicals that rule their products in India and China. I'm not about that. My one friend loves to bleach her skin and at the end of the day her dark spots looked even more prominent. Yet when she put on a simple BB Cream it just lit on her face. So flawless.

Here are my favourite Eastern beauty tricks:

1.Wash your face for longer.

Easy as that. Sounds dumb but it is that simple. Wet your face and wash yo' face for at least two minutes. Clarisonic is launching in SA but I don't have the R3000 for that. Just concentrate to really washing your face. Rinse it really well too. You will feel the difference.

2.Warm the product before applying them to your face.

Take your face cream and rub it between your hands/ finger tips and apply. Heating it helps absorption into the skin.

3.Pat skin product into your skin
Don't smear or rub it. Lightly tap it on to your skin. This stimulates blood flow and also assists the skin with soaking up the product. Recently I went away for a weekend break and had to move away from the ablution block to apply my cream. I didn't want to scare the small children.

4. Use an eye cream

I see many people my age who neglect their eyes. Don't get the most expensive one. Clicks & Dis-chem both have for under R50 and it lasts for up to 5 months as you really only do need a few specks. I like using African Extracts' Rooibos anti-ageing eye cream. I can really feel it work. Good burn.

5.Face massage

This helps circulation and puffiness. Follow my dodgy eyeliner arrows. Start at your neck and push up lightly. I usually do this with my face cream. Do it for as long as you have time.

6. Face masks

Here are a few options. Let's talk sheet masks. I first saw Bubzbeauty using them and then Michelle Phan as well. Living in ZAR I can't quickly pop in by Etude House and load a basket. I had to look for them. There are some awesome cheap ones but I don't want any whitening agents in them. There are ones that will tug on your pocket but this one from Dis-Chem at R14.95 (In the picture) was easy throw my money at them. It came with a serum enriched cream. Or make your own with tissue and rice. They are less messy than the muds and pastes in those tomato puree pouches. Though you could look alien:
I liked how this mask covers the neck as well. That's hawt

Another cool trick form India is a turmeric mask. Turmeric is the stuff that colours curries. In ZAR we use it in bobotie and yellow rice with raisins. The yellow brightens up skin.

I saw Promise Phan do a mask but Pinterest suggested this (also inspired by Promise):

7.Do that sunscreen thing

Yup. Best anti-ageing thing you can do for your face. Driving in your car to work, sitting by a window, even jogging exposes you to the sun. One popular Chinese actresseven uses it while work in her laptop. I dunno if I'd be that fanatic. Choose products with SPF. BB Cream or foundations, even some day creams. When you are going out for a walk or a picnic apply day cream, sunscreen then foundation or BB. Sandwich the sunscreen between the two so your face isn't sunscreen shiny.

These are my favourite Eastern skincare rituals that I use. And they all are free to R15. Okay turmeric is R17 if you don't have in your cupboard already.

Ever tried a sheet mask?
