Thursday 10 September 2015

Spring 2015: How I'm getting ready for spring and trend forecast

This year winter was very sort lived in Gauteng in the middle of August I was already walking around in shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I haven't posted in forever as my office looks like this:

camp/ craft table chic. Yes, that is my build-a-bear My Little Pony

Here are the ways I'm getting ready for real spring and a forecast for things I think will be cool in the warm season:

Quick nail session:

Though warmer, GP winters are unforgivingly dry. I like to also wash my hands a bit extra and don't moisturise after. That leaves my hands dry and sometimes cracked. With winter we always wear shoes or socks so we never care for our feet as much as we do when its slop and sandal weather.

For hands supplies are a base and a polish, coconut oil for a cuticle oil, Epsom salt and olive oil for a scrub, a file (mine is glass) and a cuticle pusher.

Start off by combining the olive oil and salt and scrubbing your hands with it. The salt removes the dead skin and the oil moisturizes. Use an orange stick to push back your cuticles. Mine looked super horrible. Paint and enjoy. (Enjoy BEFORE IT CHIPS)


For my feet I soaked them for 20 to 30 minutes. I added green tea with mint. While the toe nails are soft, cut them and push back the cuticles. Remember to start painting with a base coat to protect the nails from discolouration.

è trend prediction: I think colours on trend for the hot season will be white as well as matt colours rather than nail art. Toes are always bright. My fave white polishes are Signiture's Solid Ice and Essence's Wild white ways. Essence is also launching a matt white latex effect polish called The White Bunny.
I like the glow in the dark top coat.

Hair colour refreshing:
My attempt to propagate lavender there at the back

Spring is a time when most refresh their hair. If it's with colour or a hair cut. The preserve both best is with an awesome shampoo and conditioner. Tresemme's Naturals shampoo is lower in Sulphate that preserves your colour and the conditioner is Silicone free to prevent build up.

è trend prediction:I 
I think hair colour trends will still lean towards the unnatural. Grey/ silver hair, sand art hair and double processed blond is still going strong on social media. I predict hair care will come more to the forefront. It's easy to chemically treat your hair. The trick is looking after it.

Shiny temporary tattoos

It's a trend I think will carry on this season. I think some designs are so simple and chic.

Strobing aka Highlighting:

Yup its everywhere. I always have had an obsession with it because at every beauty sale I always look for the shiny white powders to highlight with. You don't necessarily need a specialised product. Though I did buy Catrice's Kaviar Gauche's blurring pearls and have been using that recently.

I prefer this to writing up about spray tan or tanning. Highlighting does less damage.

Planting stuff:

I think planting food is going to come into the forefront. I will post a tutorial on two ways I planted things recently. This is my yard at the moment:
A lot of nothing

There is a lot of space for improvement.

Cross stitch:

Another thing I think will be huge this season that has been popping up. Here is a unicorn I got off Instagram that I drew out. I'm still thinking of how to use it in a project. Some even cross stitch 8-bit pictures

Here's other awesome cross stitch inspired projects:
Cross Stitch Phone Case
Cross Stitch Mug Design
Cross Stitch Murial

That's my trend prediction and ways I'm getting spring ready.
