Thursday 19 January 2017

2017 ~ The Green Year

é 2017

I think Pantone hit the nail on the head when they chose Greenery as the colour of the year. Slowly people are practicing mindfulness (at least the ones who are aware because let's be honest we still live in the age where media tells us excess is the secret of happiness.) Everyone chases other peoples fake Instagram lives.

This year on é, I will be doing 'green' experiments. Using more natural cleaning products, doing tips on saving and reducing waste.

é Essence Cosmetics Good Limes
Essence Cosmetics The Gel Nail Polish in Good Limes

If you do read regularly you will see the blog changing as I'm trying to revamp a bit.

I have a few series of posts planned like On-line shopping reviews, a 'must love' series once a month and home organization posts.

Let me know if there are some crazy things you would like to see.

Have a good year. We hope.
