Thursday 9 July 2015

June 2015 favourites

The first month of winter and so far it hasn't been really cold though there were 3 days that were an exception. I know because I don't have 'blains as yet *knocking on wood*. Now Last month I stared editing my favourites too late so it didn't make the cut for being relevant. I nearly forgot this month so here it is!:

Japanese style Under eye Blush:

It's a trend called 'me no shita chiiku' and I enjoy doing my blush like that. Cream, tint or powder blushes all work well.

Sock Bun:

Chances are you've seen this somewhere before. Instead of wearing a hat on bad hair days I bun it up with old tired socks. Just cut off the toes and roll up the sock. I bun up after washing my hair for no heat curls the next day. When my hair is too clean and I want to have a bun, I tie it into a pony so it's neat and secure, spray it with some dry shampoo or hair spray for it to have some texture. (You can tie it with your hair slicked back or usually I roughly pony my hair with bumps). Put the hair through the middle of the sock doughnut and wrap your hair around the sock pushing it back through the hole in the bottom. Make sure the sock is covered with hair.


Knitted, bright or neutral. I love them all. I like even wearing sarongs as huge scarves.


I like this bit of tech. It's not really my own. It's my sister's. It really makes you concious of your movement or lack there of. I've found that in the end of day I’m shorting a few steps to make a round number I'll be dancing around or marching in place to get numbers.

Roasted Butternut

Set oven to 180°C. Slice the butternut in half and scoop out the seeds. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Bake for 40 minutes. For something extra, after taking it out, put a few spoons of sweet corn in the cavity and add some cheese and pop back into the oven for 5-6 minutes just to heat up the corn and melt the cheese.

Chocolate with things in it.

Not a cheap exercise for your (insert fat body part) or your wallet but it's delicious. My two favourites are Lindt's Crème Brulee and Cadbury's Marvellous Creations' Popping jelly candy. MMM...

Taking stock of your food and make a weekly meal plan.
Tedious yes but necessary. Every month there is a special on meat, fish, vegetables. You portion it up, freeze and forget it. Is it still a good deal if you have to throw away the food 6-12 months down the line after you bought even more. I have a tiny freezer and even I have that problem.

Now we have Pasta Monday and steak Friday. I also bought less this month to try to finish the freezer stockpile. It forces you to be a bit more creative.

That's my stuff for the month. Have a good weekend!
